Best ready-made table tennis bats compared

There are lots of ready-made table tennis bats to choose from. To try and make it easier for you to decide which table tennis bat to buy, I have created a comparison chart.

The chart includes the best ready-made table tennis bats available to buy on Amazon and includes brands such as Bribar, Butterfly, Stiga, Tibhar, DHS, Palio and JOOLA.

The chart gives each bat a rating on speed, spin and control. It also includes price and rating on Amazon based upon user reviews (maximum rating = 5).

Here’s what I mean by speed, spin and control…

Speed: This means how fast the bat is. A higher rating = more speed. A fast bat will enable you to hit the ball further and quicker with less effort. Bats with fast rubbers and blades can allow you to play with more speed, but they can also be more difficult to control.

Spin: This means how much spin you can generate. A higher rating = more spin. A bat with grippy rubbers will allow you to generate lots of spin on your shots, e.g. serves, topspins, chops. Very spinny rubbers will allow you to generate huge amounts of spin, but also require a good touch to control your opponent’s spin shots.

Control: In theory, all table tennis bats have good control, as long as your technique is good enough! This is why all manufacturers seem to give their table tennis bats a high control rating. So in the table below, I have taken a different approach. I have scored each bat on how easy it is to control the ball if you are at a beginner level. The logic being, if your technique isn’t perfect, you will find it easier to keep the ball on the table if the control rating is high. If a bat below has a lower control rating, it means it is less suited for a beginner, but may be perfect for a more advanced player who has better technique and touch.

Best ready-made table tennis bats – comparison table

Table tennis batSpeed
Bribar Allround Professional859595£59.994.4
Bribar Samba908585£65.274.4
Bribar Winning Loop759090£39.994.3
Cornilleau Excell 3000859060£39.994.6
Eastfield Allround608095£54.954.2
FireBlade Ninjato707090£29.974.6
JOOLA Carbon Pro808080£52.404.5
Killerspin JET800958560£187.084.5
JOOLA Rosskopf Classic607590£33.514.4
Palio Expert 3.0708090£29.994.6
Palio Legend 3.0909060£44.994.3
Palio Master 3.0808580£39.994.4
PRO-SPIN Table Tennis Bat606090£20.674.6
STIGA Allround Classic708590£69.994.4
STIGA Royal 5-Star909060£81.244.4
TIBHAR Drinkhall Signature10010070£199.994.7

Personalised equipment advice

If you would like personalised equipment advice, I recommend you joining Tom’s TT Academy. In my academy, you can ask me anything about rubbers and blades and I will respond with my recommendations. You may also get recommendations from other academy members too.

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