Dealing with illegal serves, white t-shirts & poor lighting

Dealing with illegal serves, white t-shirts & poor lighting

In this week’s blog post I’m going to address some issues raised by a reader of my blog called David from the USA. David has been playing table tennis for many years, but has become a little disillusioned because of illegal serves, white t-shirts and poor venue lighting. In the blog post, I’ll give my thoughts on David’s concerns and what the table tennis community can do about it… Keep reading

How to get good against long pimples

How to get good against long pimples

A lot of players struggle against long pimples. It’s a common issue, especially at lower levels. When I started playing, I was completely confused in my first matches against long pimples players. I didn’t know what the heck was going on! But in quite a small period of time, I was able to make rapid improvements and start beating the players I was losing to. So in this blog post, I’m going to share three simple steps you should follow to get good against long pimples players. Keep reading