Benefits of an awkward training partner

Benefits of an awkward training partner

There is a huge benefit with practising with the most awkward player in the training hall. That player with unorthodox technique, unpredictable shots and disruptive timing. The player who doesn’t look like he can play table tennis – his shots are often weird looking – but is actually really hard to beat. Let’s look at the benefits of training with these awkward players… Keep reading

Power is the least useful skill at lower levels

Power is the least useful skill at lower levels

Some players at the beginner and intermediate levels try to emulate more advanced players (and even professionals) by always trying to hit the ball with lots of power. But playing lots of powerful shots is only effective if you can do it consistently. If you often try to hit balls really hard – but miss way more than you get on – then it’s not much use. And worse still, a focus on power will probably prevent you from developing many other areas of your game. Keep reading