Can I beat Liam Pitchford?

Can I beat Liam Pitchford?

At the beginning of June, I had the pleasure of playing with England no. 1 Liam Pitchford. Why the heck was Liam playing with an average local league player like me? Had he seen footage of me on the internet and decided I was an exceptionally good training partner?
Erm, no. Did he need a new coach and after weeks of research and deliberation select me as his number one choice? Nope, don’t think so. Was he harassed and cajoled into making some videos with me for my YouTube channel? Yes, that’s a bit nearer the truth! Keep reading

The most popular table tennis rubbers in 2022

The most popular table tennis rubbers in 2022

What table tennis rubbers are most popular with amateur table tennis players? To answer this question, I conducted a survey, asking players what rubbers they currently use for their forehand and backhand.  I sent the survey to subscribers of my YouTube channel, mailing list, Facebook page, Twitter account and users of Table Tennis Daily. In … Keep reading