How to get out of dull pushing rallies

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One problem many players face is getting stuck in dull pushing rallies. They will keep pushing, pushing, pushing – waiting for an easy ball to attack. But they end up frustrated – either making a pushing error or smacking the ball in the net.

In this video, I explain how to get out of these tedious pushing rallies. The key is to develop your topspin strokes. These don’t have to be spectacular strokes – just reliable and usable. When you can use a forehand topspin or a backhand topspin (or both), then is is much easier to overcome these slow pushing rallies and turn every point into a faster topspin rally.

Thank you to Ferenc Horvath for demonstrating the role of the ‘pusher’ in this video. He doesn’t normally play in this way, but he did a very good impersonation. You can find out more about Ferenc on his website:


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