How to improve your stance (real coaching session with Stephenie)

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In this video, I explain the importance of keeping a low stance. The footage is taken from a real coaching session with a player called Stephenie.

She has been playing for around 6 months, so is still very much a beginner player. Her strokes are getting more consistent, so we are now giving more attention to her stance and footwork.

In the video I encourage Stephenie to keep her legs shoulder width apart, bend her knees and lean forwards. This makes her lower, brings the weight onto the front of her feet and enables her to move quicker.


Table Tennis Foundations Course

If you are a beginner player and need help learning to play table tennis, I recommend taking my Table Tennis Foundations online course. There are 18 lessons covering the key aspects of table tennis – grip, stance, footwork, drives, pushes, topspin, service and returning serves. To access this course, you need to join Tom’s TT Academy.

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Posted on 23/02/2022